Sunday, March 31, 2013

Rice Ball

A murder of crows,
And one rice ball.
One crow came,
Then came all.
Before the land
Was ploughed or
Sowed, Before the
Grain was
Cooked or soaked,
One crow knew
A ball was made
Roll it would
Without a shade.

Clamour and fight
Crows noisy trait.
Up they see
The bright Blue sky,
Descends a Raven
Heavy and dark,
The crow of Might.
As Jackdaws cower,
The Raven thunders,
“For one rotten rice ball?”
Kills them all.

A murder of thoughts,
And one rotten rice ball.
One thought came,
Then came all.


SHAMMU said...

Oh! my my - a totally variegated theme from 'RB'-your verses are satiric and all the same evokes in the reader, a feeling of subtle pathos Ajitha..Shammu

Sowbhagya Varma HS said...

Wow! Ajita ji, I didn't know you write! And that too poems! :D 😍