Thursday, January 3, 2008

Dear Dimple

*An attempt at translating one of my tamil poems

In the valley of your dimple,
I live in a small hut of my own;
Smile not Senorita,
The earth below me shakes.

"My face forgotten Fidel? I don't have a dimple."

Refuse not, my Egyptian beauty,
I am an Archealogist.
To the mystery of pyramids,
My Senses surrender,
And you are no less a wonder.

"You love the fairskinned, I am jet black".

No doubt, my Black pearl -
The Shameless sun! he shines,
From your fairness stolen.
Fearing my wrath, in the darkness of night,
He lies hidden.

"Lies, All Lies".

What a suprise!
That I don't hear my death knell,
When your lips spell, Liar,
Let a strand of your frock be my noose
And I shall hang myself here.

"Enough Fidel, Let me sleep".

Sleep well my darling,
But hear the ailing heart;
For you lie on the left
Its beats are sobs,
Your name a part and my name a part.

"True Fidel, when you know, why this show?"

In the dust of time,
Buried are my imprints dear.
The pages of this poem
Are to wipe the dust and
Revive your memories clear.


As I Like It said...
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As I Like It said...

Lovely poem.
My favorite lines:

Sleep well my darling,
But hear the ailing heart;
For you lie on the left
Its beats are sobs,
Your name a part and my name a part.

Keep rocking and keep writing!! :)

Ajita said...

Thanks As I Like It. Those are my favourite lines too. :)