Sunday, March 31, 2013

Rice Ball

A murder of crows,
And one rice ball.
One crow came,
Then came all.
Before the land
Was ploughed or
Sowed, Before the
Grain was
Cooked or soaked,
One crow knew
A ball was made
Roll it would
Without a shade.

Clamour and fight
Crows noisy trait.
Up they see
The bright Blue sky,
Descends a Raven
Heavy and dark,
The crow of Might.
As Jackdaws cower,
The Raven thunders,
“For one rotten rice ball?”
Kills them all.

A murder of thoughts,
And one rotten rice ball.
One thought came,
Then came all.

Thursday, March 28, 2013

Rainbow Bridge

In the distant clouds
Sails her heart,
Touching rainbows
As they pass.

The bridge across
To yearning hearts,
Heirs of land.
Hearts that rejoice
In the colours
Of romance
In a distant dance.
To the chasing heart
Colours, they are
Dreams of sand.
On the rainbow bridge
No holds to climb,
Nowhere to stand,
No hopes withstand.

Ah! its fleeting.
The wind blows,
The cloud sails, to
Yet another rainbow bridge.
And the heart of land
Yearns for yet another dance.

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Shit happens for no reason

Does our liberation rest in pain? One wonders when pain arrives, "What have I done to beget this?" But in that question lies the assumption that what goes around comes around. In a world that is full of chaos, where there appears little logic, the karmic cause-effect does not exist in the metaphysical realm. Nothing that goes around need necessarily come around. To think that there is coming and going around is to attribute a definite purpose to the world of metaphysical events. World and life has no purpose. But that is a hard truth for the mind to swallow; a mind that constantly seeks theories, explanations and makes meanings. The mind seeks many ways to cope with pain and the karma theory is one such coping mechanism. In words that one may find lighter to understand, "Shit happens to you and there is no karmic reason why it happened to you." You may have delivered shit to someone but that is no reason why it has come back. It happened and you were there.